John Lee

33rd Round

It feels like late in the 33rd round..
I\'m backed in the ropes, taking punches pound for pound..

This fight is tough, I don\'t know if I can take it..
The fear of losing, I don\'t know if I can face it..
Thinking of my life, too lost to go back and trace it..
Should\'ve took my time, but I don\'t know how to pace it..

Falling to the mat, man the idea is looking fine..
Can\'t see the score, I gotta be behind..
Too worn out, can\'t put the fight in rewind..

These hands are tired, It\'s getting hard to lift them up..
Receiving punishment, but I can\'t give it up..
I gotta drink this juice, but I\'m choking on the pulp..

He can keep me on the ropes, but he\'ll never take my hope..
My heart won\'t stop, it\'s bigger than the Pope..
When I win this fight, it\'s going to be dope..

He can keep on hitting me, but he\'ll never knock me out..
He thinks he\'s undefeated, but he\'s already lost this bout..
I was crowned as champ, when Christ told me to have no doubt.