

Blindsided before now clarity has been renewed

No more do I have to wear a mask and pretend

I stand alone now, a new beginning coming soon

My world changing now for the better

Feeling as light as a feather, my heart at ease as I try to find peace

I search now for that girl who has been lost for so long

What I thought was right ended up being wrong

My soul lost it\'s spirit, no longer has been singing it\'s song

My mind encased with the song that had only re sparked memories I had been  missing

Speaking them out through my own lips

Part of me fears I can\'t do this

One so strong with experience which brought so much pain

Never seeing my own worth except through those whom I thought valued me

I don\'t know where my journey leads or where it will end, but it will be worth it

Too long had I subjected myself without allowing time to heal

I threw myself over the edge in the hopes that someone would catch me

Knowing little of what I know now, only I can save myself

Only I can give myself a love that no one will understand

In time all will heal, everything refocused and more real

Now is the time, no going back. One step forward to the right track.