Severus Alexander

An Evening\'s Grace

There rests upon a human soul

The Feather-weight of caring, kind

So soft, and light, and long endures 

Throughout body, heart, and mind


 And shared the hearth, an even flame

Undaunted, unchallenged, and unfazed

So joined by a simple truth, we know

That warmth could chase the dark away


And that you and I

In silence raise

An open hand to palest face


So smile at me

And spread your wings 

Oh night-bird of these summer ways


That I may catch the barest glimpse of grace

Cast in red and gold on a sunlit lake

 Before The tide recedes into its sleeping place


And depart \'fore sunset falls on evening\'s joyful wake

Fly fearless, into the fullness of the night

Calm words, spoken with surest faith


The sun shall rise before the break of day