
A Love Letter To My Unborn Child

A love letter to my unborn child
You need to know daddy loves you
You might not have everything you want in the world
But you definitely have a father who loves you more than anything in the world
I know your entry into this world will make my life complete and whole
I know you are the greatest blessing I could ever ask for
I am presently working really hard so you can ball hard
I can almost imagine you in my mind
You are handsome, bouncing, happily flashing with a smile so kind
You are my baby, my child, my heart and my ever glowing love
You are a magnificent gift from God
You are a gift from above
You are sincerely a living proof of how I and your mother shared our love
Have and share my strength so you can learn how to handle what you feel
Have my big heart; know what emotions are and how to be real
Have my sense of duty; know how to be serious and take strife
Have my sense of humor! Laugh a lot; it will help you through life
I hope you have my eyes so you can go into the world able to look at all things wisely
I hope you inherit my ability to plan so you can be able to face all things in life as a strong man
I hope you learn from me an excellent sense of calm, how to love, respect and how to care
I hope you receive from me my selfless way cause for this the Heavenly father will bless you
The Lord is your life and the light of your life so make His words your security and meditate on it
These are my feelings, wishes and hopes for you
My Baby, My Child, My Heart, My Ever Glowing Love
I Love You Baby