
A Real Jack the Ripper in a Small American Town

Gladys was a devote Baptist and a

Sweet old lady who never had anything

Bad to say about anybody so when this

Young man moved into the neighborhood

They said you can just look into his eyes

And see he\'s nothing but bad news but

Gladys said now didn\'t our Lord say he

Who is without sin cast the first stone?

Little did she know she had just dug her

Own grave for it wasn\'t a year to the day

On a dark and starless night close to

Summer’s end he snuck into her house

And up behind her while reading the good

Book and with one forceful stroke slit

Her throat, she fell face down on the kitchen

Table and one cheek resting over the

Words of the Lord...

That was fifty years ago and nobody would

Of known it was him if it hadn\'t of been for

The funny cowboy boots he wore that

Left their imprints on the bloody kitchen


Well that was fifty years ago but last night

He escaped from his padded cell and now

A demon is on the loose again, like a bat outta

Hell, in a small, small American town...

A REAL JACK THE RIPPER that can\'t be found

A REAL JACK THE RIPPER leaving dead bodies

All around, in a small, small American town...

A REAL JACK THE RIPPER that cannot be found!