
Today is the Day

Today I woke up and my first thought was you. Man you were my world. Today was the day I picked out the prettiest dress from my closet , the one that showed off my curves, oh how your smile would glow and your eyes go crazy when u saw those curves. I got the lipstick you like know the rosey red one. Remember that was the one I wore the first time you saw me .., you loved my eyes always told to me how big and beautiful they were. So I spent about 20 minutes trying to get that winged eyeliner with the nude eyeshadow just for you because today was the day. But wait I can\'t forget about how you would tell me to come closer to get that scent of me that you said was one of a kind. I\'m looking in the mirror at my reflection, checking every angle, combing my hair a little to much , making sure my lipstick is perfect because today is the day...You called me and told me that you would be outside in 10 minutes I said okay. Anxiety rushed through my body because today is the day. But I\'m sitting and waiting your a no show 10,15,20,30, 45 minutes go by I call I txt but nothing no response. I think to myself why is he doing this today is the day. I sit with the phone clutched tightly to my hand waiting for it to light up with a txt from you saying \" so sorry babe got held up at work coming right now \" . I really want to cry but I can\'t I still have hope because today is the day. It is now 12:41 a.m, I\'m sitting in the same spot with the phone but it rings. I smile so hard because today is the day. I answer you say \" baby I am so sorry I got held up at work I\'m just now leaving but I\'m so exhausted lets go out tomorrow ok ? \" I reply with that\'s fine hunny I understand but before you hung up I heard it , that laugh I knew it. My heart stopped . So many thoughts rushing through my head... But he said he was at work today.... Wait!?....what!?...huh!?..  I was going to call back but I felt embarrassed enough because today was the day. I began to walk to the mirror to wash away my makeup but when I looked my tears were already helping me with that. I stared at myself and repeated \" today was the day \" countless times. You know what today was!? Today was the day that I was going to tell you I loved you but know I find myself mumbling the words \" I hate you \" every time you cross my mind because you ruined that day. The day I couldn\'t wait for.