

I am lost, I look to be worthy, loved, and accepted.

Instead I am spit on, slapped, and rejected.

I am only human, do not expect perfection.

All I want is some kind of love or affection.

The past is what it is, the past.

Do not be quick to judge, life is just too fast.

Hear me out, not throw me out.


You only want me when you need something.

I jump to it because I believe, you believe I am trying.

Instead, you are only using me,

I know now, I am an individual, I only have me.

Some say, you need people to make it.

That\'s not true, it\'s bullshit.

Believe me, I have been on my own my whole life.

You do not need a mom, dad, or wife.

The people you surround yourself with should be assets.

Not assholes.


They need to be worthy of your time.

Disowning liabilities is not a crime.

It will take away the pain.

You will no longer feel like you are going to go insane.

You are your own person, keep it that way!