
All about you

I wanted to share all of my poems but I know you can only post one per day.



She didn\'t really care about him before

But now, she does

Because he\'s GONE


How Funny It Is

They say, you never know what you had until their gone

Funny thing is, I knew what I had

yet, I let you go


Hurting soul

Right now, I won\'t be able to say your name without breaking down

I won\'t be alright

I will hurt a lot

But one day

I will be able to move on

No more heart breaks

because you are just a lesson


Our Mistake

We both made a mistake

You lied and I loved you


Stop Acting

They tell you they love you, but they don\'t act like it



She stands there shocked at what her two eyes are looking at. He\'s in bed. Not alone. But with another girl. \"It\'s not what it looks like\" he says, \"I was drunk, I didn\'t know what I was doing. I thought she was you. Baby please forgive me\" She looks at him whilst shaking her head, \"I was also drunk, I didn\'t know what I was also doing. I was drunk that I fell in love with you.\" With that, she left 


I know that you don\'t love me anymore

You have been replaced.

He can replace you

but he can never make me feel the way you made me feel

how you touched my bare skin

how you make my stomach flip

how you kill me with that smile

and how you are present every time

Someone can replace your position

but no one can replace what you did


  Is It Magic?

What you did was almost magical

Everything was going great

until you decided to let that magic go

You decided to let us go.