John Lee

The Boy Inside

There it is again..
Like clockwork on my birthday,
the sound of crying. A boy\'s cry..
Why?. Who?.
It\'s in this room.. always in this room.
It\'s time I find out.. \'Hello.. Hello, who\'s in here?\'
He stopped crying.. \'Answer me, what\'s wrong?\'
Why can\'t I open this damn door?!
\'Hey, are you okay?!\'
\'I.. I hear you in there every year, why do you sit in there with this door locked and cry?!\'

....\"you locked me in here\"

\'What?\'.. what does he mean I locked him in there?!

\'Who are you? Tell me and open this door!\'

..\"only you can open this door\"

\'I\'m trying.. it\'s locked!\'

..\"open it from in here\"

What the.. \'How am I going to do that?!\'

..\"let me go\"

He\'s gone again.. guess I\'ll ask him next year.

by John Lee