
Broken doll.

Broken doll

Spinning around with no where to go,
Trapped in limbo.
Wanting to scream until I have no breath left in me.
This broken china doll.
Is there anything left to piece together ?

My life a shattered mirror , a jigsaw.
So many pieces scattered all around.
Feels like I do not have the strength to fight any more .

I long to be the butterfly , free and beautiful.
Instead I am cocooned , enmeshed in my dark Hidey hole.
Too weak to emerge and fly far far away.

I am the fly In the spiders web,
Struggling to break free ,
My terror tangible - my predator awaiting his juicy meal.
My struggle a vague amusement .

I was not always this way .
I dream of carefree days long past.
Now washed up like debris on the shore.
Useless and tired , bloodless and brittle.
Goodness leached by others to feed their unrelenting hunger .

I lie down alone now .. Cold and small ,
Tears dry on my pale pinched cheeks.
Curled like a foetus , helpless .
Longing to return to the amniotic waters of safety.