
Final hour.

Final hour...

You smile but you do not convince me,
Gaping hole protests that you are happy...
Aha....\" You don\'t fool me\" ... In your eyes I see a deadness.
Flat blue deadness... Two dinner plates.. Empty....
That smile looks painted... An artist impression.
You\'ve practiced it for a while.. That smile .....
To avoid the darkness in your mind, I think you\'ll find!

What\'s going on there deep inside?
Two mad dogs fighting over the bone of life,
Two nations at war in a mythical land where good battles evil.
Craggy rock face so high you can\'t see what lies beyond.
A carefully constructed fortress..... \"You think you\'re safe in there\"?
Rapunzel in your tower..... Your final hour..
Let down your hair! ... My gosh it\'s grey! .....too late.. The end of play.