

Palin blasted Anti-Trump Repubs. Said they are either for him or against

I wonder if they heed her words, since she rarely (if ever) makes any sense


Miss Alaska had a special name for GOP traitors. She calls them RATs for short

Sarah thinks she can judge people now. She signed to be a TV magistrate in court


The Former Governor says the Never Trumpers make it easier for Hillary to win

I wonder what\'s in it for Lady Palin. What\'s the secret hiding behind her sly grin?


Ben Carson claimed Sarah was on Trump\'s list of potential VP running mates

If you think Donald has trouble now, watch what happens if she\'s on his slate 


The Alaskan native even mocked protestors who showed up at Trump rallies

Fights get so violent at times, maybe they should book the events in back alleys


Trump supposedly speaks truth on terrorism. He gives long-winded sermons 

Check his non-service record in Vietnam. He managed to get a deferment


Sarah claims Trump is tough on immigration. Committed to clobbering the bad guys

Where\'s his plan for making Mexico pay for the wall and all his other ridiculous lies? 

Palin is still strong on anti-Muslim talk. Perhaps tying too many of them to ISIS

Trump is trying to dial his tone down slightly, but Sarah may cause a general election crisis


The lady moose hunter reminded us that President Carter once rounded up Iranian students
But Carter was already president. Not sure talk from a mere candidate is all that prudent

Palin may be providing the boldest defense of Trump we\'ve seen from a Conservative leader
There must be something in it for her. I\'d expect nothing less from such a bottom feeder