
What Do You Do ?

What Do You Do When You Feel Like You\'ve Lost Everything ? 

You Feel So Lifeless && Empty As If The Wind Came && Swept Everything Away
What Do You Do When You Feel Like No one Is There ?
You Feel So Alone Like Everyone Vanished Or Forgot About You
Sometimes Wishing Someone Was There
What Do You Do When You Feel Like Breaking Down ?
You Continuously Have This Constant Battle Between Being Strong && Falling Apart Just To Get The Same Results Each Time
What Do You Do When You\'ve Reached Your Breaking Point && Everything Is Pushing You Over The Edge ?
You Feel Like Your World Is Crashing Down On You Like You\'ve Lost Control Of Everything
What Do You Do When You\'re Just Ready To Give Up && End Everything ?
What Do You Do When It\'s Beginning To Take Control Over Your Life No Matter How Hard You Try To Stay Strong ?