
he said

it started when i was very young

had me hooked on every other song

something like keep your head up

be strong and flip the bird up

got the courage to pick the paper and pen

my dearest friend

to write about my life and sin

just writing for the fun of it

a career? no i never thought of it

sadly i stopped writing for a bit

trying to search for another outlet

rediscovered the words you spoke

my inspiration for ten years how\'d i forget

you and Kendrick got me at it again

i promise i promise i wont stop writing again

a month ago you came in my dream

ill never forget the words you spoke to me

to \"just keep on writing\" 

i woke up all in a daze 

but at the same time i was very amazed 

i take that advice straight to the heart

ill make sure to perfect my art

your music means so much to me

so thank you Tupac for inspiring me