
Rhyming is Out of Style


Is out of style

It has been for quite a while now but I disagree

For nothing feels more natural and free

Than a good old fashioned rhyme scheme

From the moment I wake from a dream

Of stanzas wrapped in lucid meaning

To the moment I succumb to a nightly sleep

I enjoy nothing more than a yarn or a tale

That can burst me with laughter or make me weep

With sorrow I didn’t know I had the capacity to feel

That cuts through me so deep

That it feels good

We conjure images with words that rile the blood

Those images stir within us something that makes

The darkened corners of our hearts feel bathed in light

For an empathetic word on a page is all it takes

To let you know that you are not alone in your plight

Against life

Against the world

Against time

So spread the word

That rhyming is back

Rhyming is back and it’s better than ever

Sharp as a tack or light as a feather

It matters not

So long as the words flow like caramel

Being placed on wafer in a TV ad

And the imagery does just enough to tell

The tale dripping from the artist’s hand

And the rhyming accentuates this

Punctuates this

Complements this

Permeates this

To create something more than the sum of its parts

To create something that even a philistine would consider as art

To create something that feels like it could be the start

Of something

Of anything





Poetry covers them all

And rhyming poetry is the most poetic of all

As it can leave us as wide eyed as a child

It can drive us to frenzy and then leave us mild

It can plant the seeds of a volcano soon to erupt

It can begin slowly, growing and then end so abrupt

Just kidding

Rhyming poetry should always have a fake ending

For each and every line should have a tone of finality

Tear away the fourth wall’s presumptions by bending

The way we observe our own reality

Good writing can take you into the stratosphere

Relax your mind and create within it an atmosphere

Of creativity


Of contrast


Four fully formed or fledgling ideas

Of lines living large in luscious print

Willfully waiting with withering patience

Hopefully holding on for hearing a hint

Of what the final line will be

That killer rhyme that will take us 360

To end where we began

Bookend the poem like that was always the plan

But I’m not that good of a writer

Not by a mile

I mean, what do I know

Rhyming is out of style