
Maybe gone

It was the first day of summer

Happy, loved

Green leaves everywhere

little daises lined the road

As the sun glared from its place in the sky

I didn\'t want to return home

So I walked so slowly

That I kept pace with the little worm next to me

A little boy ran out of his house

Looking for his missing cat

A group of teenagers sat on their porch smoking, poisoning my little atmosphere

I touched the green leaves, one by one

They spoke, whispered, pleaded

But I turned back

It was time to go home

I reached my house, a big white house

Hard to miss, but so invisible

I walked up, cherishing my time

Till I turned the corner

Get in the car

It was time to go

She cried, she drove

As I watched from the back seat

It was time to go

Maybe my father would leave and never come back



A silent tear fell down my cheek

It was time to go

We drove till we reached my uncles house

Maybe we weren\'t going back


But I wanted to leave, for what he did, could never be fixed

He shattered me, he shattered her

He chose them, rather than the ones who truly keep him happy

But I will make it

It\'s time to go

Time to move on

Goodbye little daises, little leaves, little boy.

Tomorrow is my home now