

The heat was hot in the desert wild, when this journey first began

I gently spurred my pony, as we crossed the desert sand

We rode for miles and hours in this God forsaken land

Night fell and in the starlight I made a makeshift camp

I was on the road to Galveston, and crossing the desert dunes

In silhouette, I saw him as he rode across the moon

Daybreak came and off I went my journey would be long

I had had a good night’s rest and my Pony she was strong

I caught up; to the stranger it was just about midday

My name is Poncho Villa was all he had to say

His mount was big and mighty his pistol was very large

When he pulled it from its holster we both knew who was in charge

His stead had left some droppings; lying in the sand

He said you are going to eat that, this is my demand

I did not want to do it my first instinct was to run

There were other things to consider and he had the bigger gun

So slowly, I began to nibble; there in the hot desert, sun

Suddenly a sand storm flared and blew sand into his face,

In just that quick moment, our fortunes were reversed

I pulled my own pistol, and dragged him down off his horse

There was no misunderstanding I was now the boss

I said I hope you’re hungry, friend It’s time for you to eat

You are going to have a burger made of good old pony peat

He did not what to do it, this I knew for sure 

There is just something about a burger made of horse manure


I held him with my pistol and got him to his feet

I said; OK Poncho now it\'s time for you to eat

I stripped him of his pistol and headed on my way 

I never saw him after that, but still until today

If ever people ask me about it; this is what I say

I knew Poncho Villa in a very special way

We had lunch together one hot and sunny day.