
The soul thief.

The soul thief....

\"Hush! Hush ! Do you hear it ?\"
Faint - like the distant call of a bird on the wing.
A whisper. Soft tones overcome by the clamour in your mind.
The tiny mewling of a kitten.
The timid imploring of your inner child.

Deep in the centre of your being,
She lies - lonely, unloved,unheard.
Small voice falling to your deaf ears,
Drowning in a sea of despair.

You are drawn to the darkness.
It beckons you ever closer.
You are a faithful servant indeed.
It is powerful - its voice drowning out all others.

They know you .. ! They are confident where your allegiance lies.
Slowly, slowly they will choke your inner goodness.
They are merciless!...You are weak!...
They seek only to possess your every thought, every action.

It Is faceless, yet it exists.
It Is greed....It is control... It is a relentless machine.
It will cease only when you gasp your final breath.

That tiny voice?
Snuffed out long before.
It\'s name? ... Soul....