
Just another love poem

I love you.

There,  I said it.

I love you like a dog loves a bone

Or like a teenager loves a phone

I love you so much it hurts me whenever I see you

Because I know that I\'ll never actually be with you.

But if I could

If I could I would love you like a tornado,  wild, unexpected and will get your head spinning.

If I could I would love you like how a tree grows, slow, but constant.

If I could I would love you better then him.

I\'d love you like nothing you\'ve ever experienced, because I\'d love you for you.

I\'d love the monsters that are in you

I\'d love when you are down, because then I\'ll pick you up.

I\'d love when we\'re together and I\'d love when you are away, because then maybe you\'d miss me like I miss you.

And I\'d love you like you\'re the only one I\'ll ever care about.

Because you are the only one I care about

So just forget about him, will you?

Come over to my house, knock on my door

Actually, don\'t even knock.

Just come in

Because our love shouldn\'t have to wait for someone to answer

It needs to just barge in obnoxiously, and loudly.

Because the kind of love that is obnoxious and loud and is always there is the best kind of love.

Its the type of love that people look at and say, \"wow, they must be happy together. \"

That could be our love.

That could be our love, but you don\'t even see me loving you