

A man with more melanin is still a man
Curly hair doesn\'t make me less human
Blood flows in each and every one of our veins
Black, White, Mixed... Doesn\'t make a difference

I feel what you feel
Hurt, love, pain when I get shot
Aren\'t you meant to provide me security?
Not murder me then right after scream \"fuck\"

I already struggle with your idea of equality
Fictional freedom yet institutionalized racism
Why then do your oppressors in uniform
Pump me with lead and leave me for dead?

I thought we were way passed our grievances
Back when Martin Luther Jr gave his \"I have a dream\" speech
But now I lay bleeding out on these streets
After being treated like an animal, reality hits.

I obey your laws but you disrespect my body
I attempt to show you my license but you prove you\'re right to kill me
I follow your orders which are directions to meet my ancestors
If I had known to live longer, I would have asked God to take away my color

Would this have happened if I looked more like you?
There\'s a black stigma of violence but I didn\'t pull the trigger, it was all you.
How many of my brothers and sisters have come to their end?
Just for the crime of being black and not able to blend

We believed your sweet words, chanting \"All Lives Matter\" but we\'re not fools!
So stop the murder! BLACK LIVES MATTER TOO!