
(“Forget Me Notts”) Leaving on a Steel Worm

I wake up in familiar place,

But I want to bring a change,

Of my all so familiar pace,

So strapped in I get that ticket,

For Capital town, with no frown,

Leaving on a steel worm,

In my freedom plots,

A trickle of “forget me Notts”,


Out the window is the moving green,

Accompanied by busy beeps,

Added together makes the modern serene,

I think what I should and what I would, when

Leaving on a steel worm,

In my freedom plots,

A trickle of “forget me nots”.


Now for great pastime, to observe,

The passengers and their different bubbles,

Their bubbles, troubles their synaptic optics swerve,

To the safer kerb, them a book worm,

Whilst leaving on a steel worm,

In our freedom plots,

A trickle of “forget me nots”.


Staring down at a freebie,

Metro in blue it’s title,

Spouting necessity and nonsensical celebrity,

No thanks, I will watch these river banks,

Whilst still riding on a steel worm,

In my freedom plots,

A trickle of “forget me nots”.


Penultimate stop I make a mate,

So we listen to become amateur shrinks,

No talk of pop-culture but proper contemplate,

So we sip our drinks with mutual winks,

On this friendly ride on a steel worm,

In our merry freedoms plots,

A trickle of “forget me nots”.


We have now come to our destination,

So short, but a blinding ride,

Thus next time on a steel worm give some appreciation,

Not a typical pour out of already heard complaint like,

Smells like hell, or the noise of a lout,

Concocting hate therefore the start of a bout,

Relax and breathe, not seethe and see what’s really there,

In the fresh air, and do not forget what took you there,

The next time you’re leaving on a steel worm,

When your freedom plots,

Another trickle of “forget me nots”.