

Glass shattered on the floor

    objects thrown and broken doors.

Arguments flooding the air

    Losing all hope and no one is there.

See I played my part and played it well.

But the storm all of a sudden hit so strangely.

Every night tears coming 

    Broken promises and endless nights.

Awaken heartaches deeper than dog bites.

This world leaves a pain of it\'s own.

Not caring if we are on our own.

    Nobody said it would be easy either.

My emotions built up of anger, bitterness and sorrow.

All this time I\'m thinking I am okay,

    But another plan had came into play.

See the glass shattered on the floor is a reflection.

A reflection of me.

A reflection of my heart.

A reflection of my life.

My anger built up

    and I broke.

My foundation was not right

    and it broke.

When the odds were against me

    I broke.

I let the negativity control me.

The hatred yes it leaked.

I found it easier to run away,

    I found it easier to hide.

I am broken a lost cause.

I am broken and alone in this world.

How do you put the pieces together again?

Or do you just learn and not break the glass again?