

I feel torn.

Broken and screaming out

For no one to hear.

I’ve sliced my wrist to escape the pain.

Hiding in clothes so no one will know.

That I hurt On the inside and out.

I feel torn.

Do I leave this world and go to hell.

Or do I wait for him to take me up. At least,

That’s what people say.

If I kill myself I sign a deal with devil,

Promising him my soul.

Or do I live?

In this world of pain and cruelty.

To love people, but not be loved back.

I hurt inside.

I want to die.

Just end it all.

No one would care.

I’m broken

Left out in the cold.

In this crappy hellhole I call home.

With parents who could care less.

I just take up space in there nest.

I’m like the ugly duckling,

Except he turned into something beautiful.

I’m just torn



I’m screaming in my mind, why do I stay and live when no one of my kind

Accepts me.

I have faith in God’s plan,

But what if?

I stray and end it all.

Would I go up or down.

Meet God or the Devil?

WHo really knows.

SO what if I stray from the plan of perfection.

No one cares for me anyway.

I say every day I’m fine

When really,

I’m dying inside

I love but am not loved back

I’m hated and left out in the cold of this crappy hellhole,

That I call home.

I don’t have a reason,

Not anymore.

I once was happy,

Never without a smile.

What happened to me?

I ponder my mere existence every night I lie awake.

Sure I have things,

But I have nothing.

I am torn.

I am hurt and screaming out

For no one to hear.

I’m fading away, into oblivion.

Would they even care.

If I left.

No, Of course not.

I’m lied to every day.

I am a disgrace.

I’m just so torn.



I never mattered.

Who am I?

No one really.

It’s just me,
