
Lonely road.

Lonely road

Seething and boiling, angry steam billowing like the stewpot on the stove.
Hard to contain this madness of mine .
Like a big black dog on my heel , there always .
It\'s killing me .. Slowly and painfully , the black rot creeping like poison ivy.
Strangling my reason , choking the goodness from me until I vomit only ugliness.
Contagious like the plague until my loved one will have no choice but run far far away ,
Away from this bubbling melting pot of destruction lest it infect his very being .
It cannot be said that I don\'t love him .
I long to turn back time and meet this man , my great love, before others made their mark, branded like an animal , permanent ink stain on my soul .
My arms ache to hold him but instead all that come are angry words ,
flowing with a current that takes my breath away, bringing with it an ever widening chasm between us.
My soul can\'t reach him, buried like the corpse in the graveyard under cold wet earth .
Inside I am in turmoil. A rolling current that threatens to drown me, to smash my frail tired body against the rocky shore until I am in pieces .
I don\'t want this. This predator that walks beside me in the shadows,its foul breath hot against my neck.
A constant reminder that the abyss is not far away.
Drawing me near in my weakness until there is only grey sky and oblivion .