

I\'ve always felt smaller than an ant until I met one and this ant has always felt bigger than me until our conversation begun this ant worked night and day up under the sun and never complained  not a word not a sentence not even one this ant had a purpose and his reason for life and I spend all my life looking for my purpose but my reasons weren\'t right I have 2  legs but can\'t make 4 steps this ant has 8 and makes the steps of 8 the ant can ripple great change but a million of my teardrops can\'t make a wave in a lake or can it?  is this my Martin Luther King dream or a stupid thought outlandish?  a picture can say 1000 words but 1000 words can\'t paint 1000 pictures and a man can have 10 horses and can\'t make them drink with 1000 pitchers and a new quarter can\'t help change the world worth 1000 gloves in dazzle and glitter plus witches brew on a witches broom and a supposedly ignorant slave child wrote this so I can intelligently say that that minuscule ant I met on this day has changed my world in so mini ways