
Dark December Day

I remember when I got the call,
That cold December day.
I never thought it would happen to me,
No, there\'s just no way!
We called the hospital again,
To see if it was true.
When the doctor tried explaining,
\"There\'s nothing that we could do.\"
I dropped to my knees and hit the ground,
Screaming to above.
\"Is this how you show you care\",
\"Is this how you show love?\"
I looked to the stars in search of you,
Hoping for comfort there.
All I saw was midnight blue,
The sky was cold and bare.
The next few days were all a blur,
I don\'t remember much.
I was lost in my own thoughts,
Reality was out of touch.
The planning and preparation,
Was mostly up to me.
I stood my ground and hid my tears,
I was as strong as I could be.
But soon people stopped coming by,
There was no more ringing of the phone.
The house became very quiet,
I cried and was all alone.
Where had my father gone,
No one really knows.
Why\'d he choose to never see me again,
Why did he want to go?
My father has the reasons,
And to him, he feels they\'re good.
No one needs to understand,
No one probably could.
My father is home now and doesn\'t hurt,
He\'s happy as can be.
He finally let go of all of the bad,
And now his soul is free.
I miss you Dad, and I cry a lot,
My heart hurts every day.
I wish that I could get you back,
There are so many things I\'d say.
I would say all I never said when I had the chance,
When you were still here.
Every word would leave my heart,
Enveloped in a tear.
Merry Christmas Dad,
Think of me, I\'m not the same without you.
However, I will manage til we meet again,
Love, your Becca Boo.