

My friend the other day
Asked me if I was feeling OK.
\"You look sad,\" they said.
I replied with \"I just want to go back to bed.\".
My mother saw my puffy eyes
When I bothered to arise
From my realm of sleep.
I told her I had trouble counting sheep.
\"You look exhausted.\"
My boyfriend commented
On a day where it wasn\'t true.
No, I\'m not tired. I just don\'t know what to tell you.
I take that back. I am tired.
I\'m tired of the way people treat me as if I\'m inferior to them, just because they\'re technically higher than me in social ranking.
I\'m tired of the way adults put pressure on me then withdraw it and blame me for not trying hard enough.
I\'m tired of having to show respect to people who give nothing in return.
So yes, I am tired. I\'m tired of being treated like a kid but being told to behave like an adult.
I\'m tired of not being able to sleep at night because of how much life gets to me.
Yes, I\'m tired.
I\'m tired of being tired of people who tire me out because they\'re tired of me being me. I\'m tired of being tired because I get no sleep because I\'m too tired to settle down and let the overwhelming tiredness take over my whole body and make it shut down, the way I want it to.
You wanna know my actual response to my boyfriend?
\"Yeah, I\'m tired.\"