
An itching  from the inner sanctum

The aura composed of pure divinity that is taking over the atmosphere

I can hear myself panting in the mist from this heat which seems to summon all of them to enter me

To take pieces of what remains

Planting their seed

Their worm

Their sponge

I have become numb with a fleeting sense of falsity

A mistaken identity

The rapture that completely captivates my sensibility with a tragic form of obsession 

It lies to my spinning sphere of emotions 

It\'s contents are fathomless

Everyone searches like mad to find something human to call it

Unfortunately, this process always ends with them pulling out the most obscure label that they can find

The one hidden so well

The one that fucks me the deepest

I become friends with the chasmic emptiness that I and others own 

Suddenly, I am smitten

Bitten by the great leech

The beast that orchestrates necromancy which is apparently still practiced by fools in the thousands

The result of misused power is complete nothingness

The envious find reasons to create their own spells that they then make themselves believe they must cast



The mud beneath them turns violently into quicksand that sucks the livelihood out from underneath them before they even realize that they are sinking

Drinking whiskey like water that has been tinted with artificial tastelessness

Becoming wired then wet then wasted

Trying to awaken from the coma that you allowed unrequited love take you  deep into

Few survive the despair that follows

Love can hollow out your soul yet it\'s everyone\'s goal just to find it

Nothing about that concept makes any sense at all when facing reality completely which has become damn near dormant 

Looking for love in this Land of the Lost that we have abused and disrespected and never have given even a tenth of enough back to 

So here it is, the re-arrival of The Golden Rule



Pondered briefly here and there then forgotten entirely

That is until we feel that we have been slighted by something or someone somehow 

Led back to the edge of nowhere so that we can dive back into ourselves

We suddenly have this fresh understanding about the inferno we have ignorantly ignited and how it will eternally consume us

A few simple and obvious rules of conduct unabided by despite that they were set by none other than God our Creator 

Blasphemous, devious , cynical traitors.....


Jason Vancelette
