
Always Watching

You may not know me, but I sure do know you
Because from where I stand you sure are a lovely view
I know when you sleep, and I know when you play
For I am never more than a few feet away
I know what goes on behind your closed doors
And I know where to find the key to your drawers
You do homework every day for an hour
And then after that you take a long shower
I know you feel me when I\'m around
Because you freeze every time you hear a sound
And when there is a look of fear in your eyes
The sparkle thats usually there suddenly dies
That look of fear that suddenly kisses your face
And the tension in the room seems quite out of place
For you always seem to be in control
But when I\'m watching you, it seems to take a toll
But you are interesting and engaging to follow
Yet the truth of it all seems hard for you to swallow
Because \"things like that don\'t happen to people like me\"
But from where I stand, I\'d have to disagree.
And although I\'m here every night,
You continue to deny what\'s hiding in plain sight