Shahla Latifi

Surreal Reality


Age doesn’t define me
As I do not set goals
As I mainly go with the flow
Age doesn\'t define me


Age doesn\'t define me
With no fear
I can fly charmingly
To the peak of any dream
With my spirits high
As the moonlit shines on the voyage
But oblivious
I could fly on the wings of a royal falcon
Of any desire
Age doesn\'t define me


Age doesn\'t define me
The melodious sound of affection
That runs through my beating heart
That\'s alive with hope
With a taste of surreal reality
With a fascination
Raw and adoring
That defines me
Age doesn\'t define me


Age doesn’t define me
The real meaning of life
That flows in my blood
That runs through the garden of wisdom
Defines me
A smile of satisfaction blossoming on my face
Defines me
Age doesn\'t define me


Shahla Latifi
