Mystical Sojourn

Winter solstice

Waning moon

Soon to be their departure back into the deepest caverns of the collective unknown

Grown together 

Grown apart

Mercury turns away from the retrograde back into direct, forward motion

It leaves me behind in its wake

For the simple sake of sanity , I remain 

In the final moments of a brutal year that has transgressed me out of the gallows of all my pain

Easier than, I suppose, it could have been

Yet, I really cannot say that I remember even one full day of it being anywhere close to easy

It all blew by me faster than the speed if lightning but I cannot remember the skies ever being breezy

I found within it many moments where I finally felt completely at peace

In the midst of being drenched with valid reasons for needing to break my lease, signed blindly and thoughtlessly

Never looking back to see what I may be leaving behind

Looking back would of made moving forward impossible without being smothered by the shadows of someone else\'s bitter rage

I am turning the pages of this book that has become a saga about me and all if my many masterpieces

My children 

My  charity cases

My lovers

My friends

The future warriors that will one day compose my private Army

My savages, fighting forever for the Light

They have given me all of the strength that I have needed to guide me through many endless, thankless, starless nights

An owl, soaring nocturnally through the forests of wisdom that does not acknowledge the mundane

A teacher

A hunter

A healer

A shaman drawing down the rain

A traveler

A diviner

A metaphysical natural

A carnal savage

Unraveling tangled technicalities 

Revealing many hidden personalities

Loather of politics, regulations, rules, and legalities 

The one who sees it all

Released from the cotton of the clouds to crawl across the landscape

Tip toeing into the New Year, overflowing with infinite possibilities that may never be seen

Like eclipses, transits and equinoxes

Not hidden, just usually ignored

This year should hold festivities that I won\'t want my loved ones to miss

Abundance laced with pure bliss

Synonymous and abound

Found and lost and lost and found

Music made to help make this world go round and round and round

I shall now head out into the great wide open

I shall begin my mystical sojourn 

Keeping track of all the most intricate details to keep only to myself when I return 

Bridges built much stronger rather than just being burned

Gathering up all of the merits that the Universe expects me to have earned by then ..

