
Free Man

Free Man

He now stands before the shackles of his wrong doing, with only his laughter and demonic grin.

His laughter stays with him, forever… and ever.

His victims’ souls surround him with the sound of the wind whistling through the cell.

They stare into his heart and wish only to tear it apart.

When he sleeps a deep sleep, the spirits mourn one another.

He is expected to be let out in the morning for that his prison time is almost over.

Time passes and he wakes up.

He is now a free man.

He roams the streets of the ghostly town.

He wanders with his victims’ souls by him.

On one of the nights, he roams through an old orphanage.

No one appears to be inside.

But he still walks inside.

He shines his flashlight and it dims a bit.

Each one of his steps creak on the tinted and blackened tile.

The shelves are crooked and filled with old papers.

The room is barely lit and the wind chimes ring louder every second.

He keeps searching through the place.

He finds a door hidden in the darkness.

As he creaks the door farther and farther, he hears noises coming through the door.

They moan his name and whisper in code.

They get louder as he gets closer.

His mind is in denial, but he still enters the room.

His flashlight dies right as he enters the room.

The room is pitch-black with the sound of the voices he heard.

He can’t see anything.

He can hear the voices as clear as day.

The door slams shut.

The sound of the door slamming rings his ears.

The voices now stop.

The room is completely silent.

You could hear a pin drop in there.

He budges the door, but it won’t open.

He can feel his heart beat.

The voices return, but are silent.

He just looks around the room.


A ghostly figure stands in front of him.

While terrified, he looks around the room again and again.

He sees more and more come.

Wherever he didn’t look, they’d be there.

The spirits look at him with a deadly stare.

The spirits look young.

He realizes, they are the ghosts of orphans.

“I killed you all,” he whispers to the spirits.

Blood appears on his hands.

It seems familiar to him.

Now, a knife covered in blood is in his hand.

It all starts to come back to him.

“You did kill us… you can tell,” they cry out.

“Please, I won’t ever do it again,”

“Why did you kill us innocent children anyway?

Then, he smirks and laughs his demonic laugh.

“Because… I enjoyed it!” he says with evil suave.

“You don’t have any sympathy, do you?”

“No… you deserved it.”

They all approach him while he laughs.

The floor is now soaked in blood.

There are human bodies now on the floor.

They are the children he killed.

When he sees the children, he laughs louder.

As now, he joins them.

The children (humans) laugh at his body.

The children (spirits) take his spirit with them.

They make him relive his killings of them.

But in their flashback, he plays the children and they play him.

During the whole flashback, he gets paranoid and nervous.

He reaches the part of where they are going to kill him and he breaks down in tears.

He realizes just how terrible they felt and he heads back towards the prison.

He tells the police that he didn’t deserve to be let out.

They put him back in for life.

Crying a tear for each person he killed, each day.