Severus Alexander

Landing Stray

A light shone out in fierce display
Of prowess, over ocean gray
Accompanied by lightning, and
the thunderous crash of waves

And, swept about its dark domain
It cast a stark, and solemn gaze
Upon a sole, and lonely ship
Tossed unrelenting, before the fray

And bore down upon upon her battered decks
Where, to each other, firmly stayed
The arms of women, and children
For whose lives a battle waged

But none among them was afraid
For their banners, they were highly raised
Their captain, grim and hard of face
And their crew, of sternest stuff was made

Whose men, courageous, waved
Yet still the flag of the truly brave
Those warmest hearts, who stoked the flame
And hope, for whom none remained

And, amidst the gleam of ocean spray
With pride, the watcher of the bay
Wrung out twice more, as if to say
\"Hold fast, be steady, against the tide\"

For, from the dark in answer call
A shout, as one, and cheering, all
From the bleakest night and stormy haze
The dust and dimness, overlaid

A visage, joyful, and so yearned
That gladness, even brighter burned
In their hearts, so strong and firm
Than any lamp could ever burn

For they knew the waves had turned
And they, their lives, had freedom earned
When the sight of shore, it did not fade
Rejoiced, and saw, they had been saved