Khloe Zahn

July 18th- 2015

365 days ago my life was forever changed.
12 quick months.
1 unbelievable year.
He has a soul of fire and a mouth of destruction.
He put me on a ride through hell and at the same time,
a journey through heaven.
He\'s absolutely exhilarating, and keeps you hungry for more.
I love the depths of his mind,
his passion, his beautiful, yet brutal words,
his charming and vengeful presence.
I see the world as more dangerous, yet buried in gold.
I view life as terrifying, yet exciting.
I look at people with untainted eyes.
Because of this, I feel their pain yet also see their beauty.
I sense toxicity in those I once saw only as pure.
In doing this, I am able to surrender and walk away.
I love with a raw, tender, unconditional being that bleeds his name.
I praise my self worth and demand respect.
I have newfound strength and pride.
I no longer resent him for breaking me.
Instead I thank him for changing me.