
Because Of You


It was you that built me up by not bringing me down

Instead you took me under your wing and lifted me on the highest pedestal

You brushed off the manure from the many times that I\'ve been pushed down

Cleansed me with your wit

And washed all the misery away

It was you who gave me a set to fly freely

To dodge opinions from constant aggressors

So that they wouldn\'t pierce my skin and weaken my bones

You caused a permanent widespread orange peal of sunshine to be glued upon my face

And kept me intrigued with rapid intellect flowing from your lips

But now

Because of you

I can\'t give myself permission to let anyone sweep me off my feet with speaking of sweet nothings

It is forbidden to keep a pink arch stapled to my hardened empty face

Judgments go so far as to reach my soul and constantly pick at it

Take the wings you let me borrow back but you damaged one of them btw

I can brush off the manure myself and cleanse my character with the self love that I didn\'t obtain before you waltz into my story

I\'ve traded in my pedestal for a throne that a thousand melanin covered queens sat in before me

A 10 foot wall of steel was built this time

To not let anyone trespass on a pathway to my mind, body, and soul

Because of you

I\'m aware of temporary angels