Izzi Lynn


For all my life I’ve been an outsider
A girl in the mirror gazing at the other world
Bright stars bright stars, call 911 please


I’ve got cotton balls stuffed in my eyes
Can’t see anything until the SeaBreeze dries
White and pink striped walls
Wishes come from the heart, don’t you know?


Crossing my eyes seeing double vision
Should I put my contacts in or let my glasses stay?
I know my eyes look dead either way
I can see my silhouette in the mirror now


My mama says the world isn’t all about me
I know she’s right, but shouldn’t I get a little me time too?
This isn’t really living anymore
It’s just lungs expanding and contracting
Just a heart beating polar blood
Just an icy body with cold fingertips


Listening to the radio
Am I a drug? A girl? Am I a world?
This is all I will ever be
This is all of me
I’m just a little lost girl
Running away from the world


Hold me tightly
Hold me tightly tonight
Let me cry on your shoulders
Until this is over and we’re older


I’m just an outsider
Looking in
Just an outsider
Peering through the mirror
Looking at the other side
Where people live and die
On this side our lives are a lie
And we can’t even try
To make a change in our lives
Here our lives are a lie


I’m just an outsider
Looking through the mirror
Staring at the other side
Where people live and die
I’m just an outsider