


You\'re big brown eyes,

So shiny,

You\'re soft warm body, 

So tiny,

You\'re skin softer than anything, 

You were hiding with an angel wing,

You\'re lips curved into a small smile,

Haven\'t seen one this genuine in a while.

You\'re so young,

But seems so bold,

You\'re so smart,

Even though You\'re only six months old.

Youre new ,

You\'re free, 

And I can see,

That you have great possibilities, 

No knowledge of the world at all, 

Not even a guess,

It doesn\'t matter to you,

Couldn\'t care less.

She walked over to me,

And placed you In my arms, 

Can you trust me?

I never before held a baby, 

But once she did,

And you looked into my eyes, 

My heart completely melted, 

And then I realized, 

How precious it is, 

To hold the future in my hands, 

Will you later be a hero?

Or travel to many lands? 

You could be the best,

You might be the greatest, 

But now you\'re just a baby, 

Covered in sweetness.