

I am a man, who will look to u in the eyes and smile as you buy your first candy bar at the corner store. I am I friend who helps you pick out that gift for your dad.and I am the best person to bring to the movies ; \"I see my self as a fun guy don\'t you?\" But as you get older you will see my power increase, and my weight slowly become unbearable for you to hold. I helped you get that book you needed for collage, \"and then you graduated.\" \" I was so proud of you\". But don\'t forget my power and WILLING TO SCREW YOU OVER !! hey but don\'t forget you love me right. I have been by your side literally your ENTIRE LIVE. You need me to live in this world. And you\'ll die with or with out me. Ya some people love me and some hate me. Some people have a ton of me and spend me like I\'m dirt. Some who have little of me spend me like I\'m a God. So don\'t forget you need me. But I\'m not easy to get. Try your hardest because I rule your life.