
In that moment

When your in love with her but she\'s not in love with you. There\'s a hole growing in your soul. Getting bigger it seems to be consuming you. How long untill there\'s nothing left? Id gladly give what remains to her. What I feel in my heart is both the most horrifying and amazing emotion, love. Like a snake slithering through tall grass it strikes when you least expect it. It\'s hard to control. I\'ve never felt it like this before. I\'ve never wanted someone like this before. I find myself willing to give everything I have to offer if only for her to see how I feel. Crying inside I bleed out into despair. Losing my grip on what\'s real. I hang on tight waiting for the only person that can bring me back. I look at her. She looks at me. Our eyes meet. And in a single moment I experience a lifetime. In thay moment she is all that there is. All that I see. All that I hear. Shes the world. Seeming like my heart races. Beating thousands of times in that very second. I fall deeper in love with her. Seconds get longer. Time ceases to exist. The clock stands still. She brings order to the chaos in my heart. Then just as fast as it stopped. Time continues to go on. Her oblivious to what just happened. She goes on not knowing how I truely feel.