
Seeker of solace.

Seeker of solace.

Can you hear me ? My desolate cry.
My tears of anguish, my lament of despair.

I seek you in the dancing shadows of the night .
In the soughing sigh of the wind,cool breath to my soul -brief,
before its return to stillness.

I search the eddying water of the river, lapping with its ever reaching fingers- ever nearer, then receding , it\'s swirling cloudy depths sullying the crystal promise within.

My gaze is drawn to the mountain tops,
The answers surely lie atop its noble distant peaks.

I turn my face to the sun , it\'s rays a promise of enlightenment - a warming drift to inner peace .
Only for her to take her place again behind her cloudy shield.

The birds- they know not this apathy, this anguish .
This seemingly hopeless pursuit of mine.
Alas they have no secrets to share this day.

Perhaps the rain holds the secret,
Washing over me , bringing truth to my cold , wet skin.

It is quiet now - so quiet within
The shadows still dance.
The wind hums its soft song.
The water continues on its tinkling journey- ever lapping, ever receding.
The distant mountains in their looming greatness remain.
Wise, solid , proud.

The sun continues to smile - unwavering ,
It\'s sombre dance partner cannot steal her joy with its passing black gloom.
The birds - immersed in their song - throaty orchestral delight ,
a cacophony of joy.

And what of I ? Small figure transfixed , mesmerised amongst this beauty that surrounds me .
Like a soft warm shawl enveloping my soul.
Yes what of I ? Seeker of solace, of healing , of joy .

I am nothing and yet I am everything.
I Stand diminished yet empowered and I smile.
My soul is anointed with the sweet honey that was always there for the taking .

All is peaceful now within .
I am home ... We are one.