
A youthful offender’s lament

Initially outta the shadow of silence there were mental scrawls of graffiti, titillation and exploded feelings  that masqueraded as great power – and then jukebox jive from soulful be-bop rebelliousness of goosebumps’ n mindset which finger snap\'d to a dancing sock’um simile from the ballyhoo’d groove of borne teenage poetics-

“you betcha!”




What was th\' Sixties like fo\' YOU?

As a creative explosion counter cultured societal erosion, yes we danced in the streets.

this journey for renewal

brought ‘bout a much needed

combustible fuel called freedom


Now by swallowing s “you betcha!” pill 

I felt like Alice in Wonderland, free falling into th\' rabbit hole,

Absorbing th\' energy of its vastness

An\' coming out th\' other end.

I found myself adorned in a whimsical nonsense of fairytale naivety; a revolution to spin fo\'. And I prevailed at the roach-end of th\' 60\'s, stuck between sitar-like holy hymn pops of anti war slogans, wild insanity, an\' oddball pastiches of delightful collages with a well worn multi colored coat of sensorial serendipity.


I had been taken prisoner, yes; I was captured …

A degree of purity an\' innocence, as well as, th\' magical mystique of human life shackled my pessimism,

An\' it was a life sentence that I never wanted commuted,

So please show moicy an\' let me be.

