
My grandfather

Oh, what precious time we have

Which is why we can\'t spend our days being sad

Keep your chin up

Keep the love flowing

Till it fills up your cup

I\'ll be gone one day, lost with the wind

But I won\'t be in hell, where all those have sinned

I\'ll be with her too, her great smiling face

Oh how I miss her, she can never be replaced

Life is as delicate as a petal in the snow

Hold it tight, don\'t ever let go

Death will collect when the time is just right

Not when your awake, not ready to die, but while you sleep, the middle of the night

No, no, listen here, that\'s not what I mean

You have lots of time, so many days to be seen

My time will be up, and I know you\'re not ready

But hold on to that petal, reach when you\'re unsteady

I love you forever, forever and then

When your time is up, I\'ll see you again

When you\'re raised above the clouds, up into the sky

You\'ll understand what it means, to truly die

I\'ll meet you there, the imperfections, perfected

I know this is so, for you\'ve been selected

You\'ve been raised quite right, such a kind soul

Innocent as a newborn foal

You\'ll grow up and see what these words truly meant

But till those days come, to the heavens I\'ll be sent

But don\'t be in a hurry to come and find me

You\'ve got a long life

You\'ll grow up and see

The possibilities of this world, your Newfound hope

So run along now and play your jump rope

While you still have the chance

I won\'t be at your wedding to save you a dance

Or watch your kids grow

And talk to me like so

So cherish your friends, with all of your time

Grow up with them, playing with pennies and dimes

Farewell young one, I love you so much

My time is up, the petal flew by, no more strength, lost my clutch 

I\'ll ascend up above, and watch you below

Have a great life young child, oh how I love you so...