
Spirit Across The Stars

Call me Old Soul

For I have come long and far

An incorporeal Traveler

A human spirit drifting beyond mortal bars


Once I knew of Form

Felt the warmth of Sun on skin

But then my Life and World ended

My eternal Soul this trek to begin


In wake of Great War\'s destruction

My mind survived intact

And freed from a Body\'s limits

I fled Earth\'s Tomb never to look back


Passing beyond the Sky I reached the cosmic pale

And journeyed its Infinite Path through deep black void

Discovering worlds and witnessing endless cycles

Life born, life evolved, life destroyed


Sometimes I entered entities

Lurking within Consciousness unknown

Experiencing vicariously their joys and sorrows

The sharing of such my sweet gold


Always however my Wandering resumed

For the lure of Space was too strong

I found I craved the Freedom it gave

And as Impassioned Pilgrim moved on


Through my Span of Millennia and galaxies

I have read the Universe\'s story

I have raised the Veil to touch the mien

Of a Vast and Exquisite glory


Continuing on I shall discern new horizons

As the Depths of Existence I chart

Enduring therein as a Timeless observer

A spirit dancing lightly across the stars