
Happy Love

I gazed across the room. You smiled, you winked, I blushed. Then when our eyes locked together into an undying connection, we simply could not let go of one another. Twenty written numbers were exchanged in a rush, along with leg buckling butterflies.

Courting, courting, a plethora of courting. Ah your lips fervently greeted my lips, as I giggled like a school girl. It was far beyond heavenly. The scent of your cologne escorts me to a cloud of ecstasy. A mere tingling sensation took the wheel of my body.

Clichely I thought, \"My my, he is driving me crazy already.\" But oh, in a very electrifying, weak winded, toes curling good way. Despite our overzealous display of affection. Any persons blind to endearment could see our compassion.

I rested my head upon his chest, and gently pressed my hand just above his heart. His heartbeat was thoroughly in sync with mine. The musical melody of our love overjoyed me with immense delight. For an eternity, our union shall forever be sacred.
God, I love you.