
When GOD said...

When God said, he said it in Hebrew. Therefore, if you want to reveal the secret of life, here is your first Hebrew lesson:

Mood- מצב הרוח- “mazav haruah”-  the state of the soul

MAN –  אדם- ADAM

Soil – אדמה –ADAMA

Blood - דם - DAM

EVE – חוה – HAVA - the root letters of experience

Attention – תשומת לב  - Tsumat Lev – put heart into it.

Breath – נשימה  neshima

SPIRIT – נשמה  -neshama

Jehova – יהוה generate into present.


When you learn the energy of the letters, you are all set and you can co-create.

Remember who has the copyrights.

Be humbled. Unlike Creator, you view a tiny part of the puzzle.