
Top of the World


It took a long time to get there but I made it for sure,
I accomplished what I never thought possible before,
My journey to the top of the mountain was rough,
But at the end of the day, I made it sure enough,
No trial nor tribulation would stop me in my path,
I was a man hell bent on conquering at last.
The top of the world is exactly where I stood,
For once in my life, it was truly all good,
I accomplished my goals with the woman of my dreams,
But I was quick to learn, all is not as it seems.
Piece by piece it all crumbled away,
My grip on life was a train runaway.
I fell down fast and hard from the top,
God had enrolled me in the school of hard knocks.
This damn sure wasn\'t my first rodeo,
But I didn\'t know what hit me when it broke my nose.
See, the thing about being at the top of the world,
Is if the fall doesn\'t kill you it will definitely make you hurl.
Surprise! You are falling at a breakneck pace,
As your only true \"friends\" are lying to your face.
At the top your pockets are lined with gold,
But the fall is deadly to anything you hold.
You don\'t know struggle until you lose it all,
And you land at the bottom wishing you died from the fall.
Here I am, rock bottom once again,
Long time no see... my dear old friend.