
Watchful Eye

Here I sit,
newspaper in hand,
bite in my in bagel,
watching you,
watching me.
Others around me
go about their business
casually, as if they
are not being watched by you too.
If only they knew.

Your glass-eye
zooms in,
zooms out,
watches me read,
watches me breathe.
It tracks my facial features,
it scans, and scans,
all day.
I must get up now,
I enjoyed our daily meet.

As I get up,
I pass under you,
and your eye follows me until
you cannot see my face.
But I am not out of your sight,
for you are connected
with your sisters eyes,
as the track me
when I am out of your sight.
Forever you will be watching me,
and don\'t worry,
I\'\'ll be watching you.