
Person vs people

A person can be interesting.
People will be a bore...
A person can tell the truth.
People will engage in folklore!

A person can always relate.
People will always hate.

A person can show empathy.
People will show no sympathy.

A person can act with a rational side
People will act with national pride.

A person can believe in being moral.
People will bicker, fight & quarrel.

A person can end their personal mortal strife.
People will end all of society, & earths life.

With a person, there can always be a name.
With People, there will be no one to blame.

A person can be smart.
People will be stupid...
A person can think.
People thoughts will get diluted!

Be a person.
Different from,
All of \"the people.\"


***(Fuck all you people is meant towards All HomoSapiens. The last statement is not meant towards one race, gender,creed color, or person specifically.The views expressed are the views of the artist only. The artist & his opinions do not reflect the opinion of the artisit wife, children, pets, or parent companies, or anyone else on the planet, thank you for listening to this politically correct part of the message…Now! if are a social justice warrior, a troll, or anywhere in-between...and would like voice your complaints & grievances at the above statement please, send your email to: [email protected])

Talk to you, the next time that I talk to ya.