
Wonder Woman

What do you see when you look at a woman?

Do you look at her hair?

Do you look at her facial features?

Do you look at her body shape?

Or can you see deeper than that?

Can you see her past from just looking at her?

No you can\' can\'t see her past from just looking at her

you don\'t see all the pain

you don\'t see all the abandonment

you don\'t see all the years of her being seen as just an object

an object that is disposable

an object of so much disrespect


A woman is a beautiful and strong being

in the famous words of Tupac Shakur, \"We all came from a woman\"

a woman is the earth\'s greatest nurturer

a woman is the water and sun to a flower

a woman is the treasure at the end of a rainbow

a woman is a man\'s greatest strength

a woman is the source of a man\'s happiness

a woman is a child\'s greatest hero

a woman is a beautiful princess that walks the earth


Wonder woman, wonder woman I pledge my thanks to thee

Wonder woman, wonder woman your lovliness I now see

Wonder woman, wonder woman you mean so much to me