
They don\'t know what to think

Nor, what to do

They try to stare into me and their gaze pulls them through me where they land in a puddle of their own muck

That\'s what they get for trying to fuck with royalty

Nothing at all is ever enough

They think that I am falling all the time because my essence is too tough for them to sink their rotten teeth into now

Wishful thinking, if you can even call it that

Their necks sag like turkeys because their egos are fatter than the fattest fuck

Their faces all pinched and sour because they cant stand the taste of their muck

So, then why would they think that they could feed it to the likes of me?

I m that majestic queen that they wish they could be

They must think that my world is all full of daisies

Like its a walk in the fucking park

But it is really a continual war trying to balance my light with the blessed darkness

I know that it would be silly to say that I would not ever change for the world because my existence is forever changing

I am a caterpillar in a cocoon

A butterfly with hundreds of other species surrounding that would love to make me their victim

Their prey

Their midnight snack

I don\'t even attack them or lash out at them anymore

I just leave them stranded in the middle of their path, trapped in a revolving door

Choking on a part of my passage, which is often a confusing metaphor

It leaves them lingering in their own dissatisfaction wanting something more

Which leaves them with no other option than going out and making it happen on  their own

Hey, there is a good starting point in the maze that has no end

In the book without an answer key

One worthwhile facet for them to mimic in their  quest to becoming me

I could sit and list all of the things that I do but it would take me about a year

I could start by giving them a list of ways to conquer  senseless fear

I could travel around giving seminars and collect all their dirty cash

I could be a  comedian who goes around bashing everyone including myself

I could waste away teaching them common good until I lose everything down to my health

But I refuse

I would rather see them waste themselves away wishing that I would lose

I will no longer feed into them

I wont give them anything that may appease their wishes, their delusions, their dim-witted dreams

Things are just the way they are

Everything is as it seems

